

ESRI Leaflet Web Map

A map created using Javascript, ESRI Leaflet, ArcGIS Online, and a little bit of arcade expression!

I created this map on the left for one of my clients who was interested to know the dispensary status of the state of California. Despite its simple and clean look, it took a number of steps to get the final deliverable. 

ArcGIS Online

ArcGIS Online

The data was first created using ArcGIS Pro to join the counties and cities of California to a spreadsheet. The data was then published and hosted in ArcGIS Online


I also used arcade expressions, which is a basic scripting language from ESRI, to generate the symbology and colours for the layers

Javascript – Leaflet

Leaflet is an open-source Javascript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. ESRI leaflet is a plug-in which lets me display the data from ArcGIS Online